Press Releases

Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Endorses Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for U.S. Senate

Miami, FL – Today, the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans joined countless organizations, leaders, and advocates in endorsing Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for U.S. Senate.

“The Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLARA) is committed to protecting Social Security and Medicare at the national level, advocating for seniors at both the state and national level as well as monitoring, educating and informing older Americans of those lawmakers who support issues affecting those over 55. That is why FLARA is proud to endorse, without reservation, the campaign of Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for US Senator from Florida,” said Felicia Bruce, President of FLARA. “Her record while in Congress demonstrated unequivocal commitment to do what is best for aging Americans. Her platform is focused on strengthening America’s most popular programs: Social Security and Medicare. She has a proven voting record of supporting every issue that would help both seniors and the middle class. DMP is a candidate for ALL of US, especially for older Americans.”

“I am proud to have earned the support of the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans in our fight to retire Rick Scott, who literally wrote the plan to eliminate Social Security and Medicare,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “Like so many seniors across our state, my mother worked two jobs to earn the benefits she now relies on. I have seen firsthand the difference these programs have made in her retirement – the fight to protect Social Security and Medicare is personal to me. While I wrote the bill in Congress to expand Medicare coverage, Rick Scott would leave thousands of families uninsured and push our seniors into poverty. Together, we will hold him accountable in November and ensure that Floridians all over the state can retire with dignity.”