Press Releases

What They’re Reading: Rick Scott Must “Spend It All” To Defend His Disastrous Record

While Rick Scott continues spending his dirty money to lie to voters, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is gaining momentum in her fight for Floridians' freedoms.

New York Magazine: Democrat Could Make Rick Scott Spend It All in Florida’s Senate Race

  • While Scott continues to plunder his children’s inheritance, polls continue to show this race as closer than expected and perhaps getting closer.

  • The incumbent leads in the RealClearPolitics averages by 4.3 percent, but each new poll shows Mucarsel-Powell gaining; most recently a September survey from Emerson showed the race statistically tied, as The Hill reported.

  • In 2022 [Scott] released (and then subsequently toned down slightly) a truly wild “11-Point Plan to Save America” that is to Florida Democrats what Project 2025 has become to Democrats nationally.

  • It included a total sunsetting of federal programs every five years (he later remembered the state he represents and exempted Social Security, Medicare and the U.S. Navy from this death sentence), and minimum income taxes on working poor people whose tax liability is eliminated by tax credits.

  • Scott naturally opposes [Amendment 4] which will likely win a majority of the vote in November and may top the 60 percent supermajority required for enactment. Mucarsel-Powell is criticizing Scott constantly for being on the wrong side of this issue.

  • In another parallel to the national campaign, the Democrat is also pounding Scott for his vote against a bipartisan border deal and for having nothing constructive to offer on immigration policy (Mucarsel-Powell is herself an immigrant from Ecuador).

  • Mucarsel-Powell was smart to get out in front of one issue by harshly attacking Venezuela’s Maduro regime and its recent efforts to reverse an apparent election defeat.

  • The possibility that Scott could actually lose this race is manna from heaven for Democrats not just in Florida, but nationally.