Press Releases

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Launches First General Election TV Ad, “Freedom”

Watch The Ad, Freedom, Here

New Ad Highlights That Rick Scott Wouldn’t Hesitate To Slash Social Security And Medicare, Raise Taxes On Middle-Class Families, And Force A National Abortion Ban

Miami, FL – This week, the Debbie for Florida campaign is coming out of the gate with their first TV ad telling Debbie’s family story and holding Rick Scott accountable for taking freedom away from Floridians and raising costs on middle-class families.

The ad, titled “Freedom,” dismantles Rick Scott’s baseless ‘socialist’ attacks and goes on the offensive on an issue Republicans have claimed as their own to win elections for years in Florida. The ad is part of an ongoing seven-figure buy placed by Debbie for Florida.

“Rick Scott loves to use socialism as a political attack because he has no idea the pain that ideology has caused,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “I came to the United States from a country which suffered under a military dictatorship — this is real for me. I’ve seen first hand what happens when politicians come for our freedoms, and I won’t let a fraud like Rick Scott take us down a path of extremism and authoritarianism. And I refuse to let him use the trauma of so many Latinos who risked everything to escape socialist dictatorships and come to America for his own political game. Floridians are fed up with Rick Scott’s extremism and 14 years of failures, and our campaign will work to make sure every voter knows they can vote for a better future in this election.”

Read a transcript of the ad below:

I grew up under a dictatorship before coming to the U.S.

I'm Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, and for me, freedom isn't some political slogan.

It's why I came to America.

But Rick Scott is trying to take away your freedoms – right now.

For women, banning abortion.

For families, raising taxes.

And for seniors, ending Social Security and the freedom to retire with dignity.

If you care about freedom, elect a senator who actually believes in it.

That's why I approve this message.