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Following her Commanding Primary Win, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is Gaining on Rick Scott

After earning the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in a landslide victory, recent public polls in Florida show that Debbie Mucarsel-Powell starts the general election well within striking distance of Rick Scott, even before she has begun to spend her warchest on advertising:

Medicare fraudster Rick Scott is a thief who has spent his last 14 years in office robbing Floridians of their freedom, their economic security, and opportunities – and polls are showing voters have had enough.


Rick Scott is the most vulnerable Republican in Florida and the most vulnerable Republican incumbent across the country.

An August R+8 poll shows that Rick Scott’s favorability is underwater in every part of the state. His unfavorability numbers have stayed at a constant low since last year, despite the fact that Scott is the only candidate in this race who has been communicating consistently on TV. As the Florida Senate race has developed, Scott’s high unfavorability ratings have remained the same while Debbie Mucarsel-Powell continues to gain ground. Scott starts the general election with a -14 point favorability rating even though he’s spent over $160 million of his own money attempting to rehab his image over the last 14 years.

Despite self-funding his races at historic levels, Rick Scott has never won an election in Florida by more than 1% – including in Republican wave years of 2010 and 2014. After spending $64 million of his own money in 2018, Scott barely scraped a win of 10,000 votes after having to undergo a recount. After 14 years representing Florida statewide, 237,534 Republicans voted against Scott in the August 2024 primary – more than all three of Scott’s previous margins of victory in Florida combined.

This election marks the first time that Scott is running since he wrote the plan to end Social Security and Medicare as we know them, proposed raising taxes on the middle class, and wholeheartedly embraced Florida’s abortion ban with no real exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother.

With highly popular ballot initiatives for abortion and marijuana on the ballot this November and with a presidential race on the ticket with Scott for the very first time, this election will mark the first time Scott is facing a highly motivated and energized Democratic electorate in Florida.


Since the Florida U.S. Senate primary, the Debbie Mucarsel-Powell campaign has expanded to include 12,300 first-time donors to the campaign with donations from every congressional district across Florida. Since launching, the campaign has built a grassroots movement that includes nearly 200,000 total donors.

In the lead up to the primary election, the campaign reached over 1 million Florida voters via volunteer text bank and continues to see a steady increase in volunteer sign-ups to knock doors, phone bank, and text Floridians to get out the vote for Debbie Mucarsel-Powell.

In the coming months, the Debbie For Florida campaign is taking the fight to Rick Scott. This week, Mucarsel-Powell launched a 75 stop tour across the state – one stop for every time Rick Scott pled the Fifth after overseeing the largest Medicare fraud in the history of this nation.

In every corner of the state, Mucarsel-Powell will meet with voters across the political spectrum to talk about Rick Scott’s extreme agenda to rob Floridians of their freedoms, seniors of their Social Security and Medicare, and working families of opportunities.

THE BOTTOM LINE: As public polling shows an increasingly competitive race in Florida, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell continues to gain grassroots momentum against Rick Scott, who is historically unpopular and will face a highly motivated Democratic electorate this November.