Press Releases

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Advocates for Freedom and Democracy in Venezuela


August 7, 2024


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Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Advocates for Freedom and Democracy in Venezuela

Miami, FL – Debbie Mucarsel-Powell continues to support the Venezuelan people in their fight for freedom and calls on our allies to uphold the will of the people in Venezuela.

“After living under a brutal dictatorship for more than a generation, the people of Venezuela have spoken and they have had enough,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. No corrupt dictator can overcome the will and the bravery of the Venezuelan people standing strong in the face of oppression to demand freedom and democracy – but the United States cannot stop showing our support. This is the moment for the unity of all nations in our hemisphere and the U.S. must lead this effort by encouraging our allies to recognize Edmundo González as the duly elected leader of Venezuela and praising those who immediately stood strong for democracy. America should be a beacon of freedom for the world as we have been for generations. Make no mistake, Venezuela will be free.”

El Venezolano: Debbie Mucarsel-Powell muestra apoyo a la oposición venezolana

  • En su declaración, Mucarsel-Powell y los representantes de la comunidad venezolana enfatizaron la urgencia de un esfuerzo diplomático coordinado para lograr un cambio en Venezuela. “Es hora de luchar por la libertad y la democracia en todo el hemisferio”, afirmaron. “El esfuerzo diplomático de todas las partes aún puede lograr un cambio en Venezuela para que logre la paz necesaria, pero debe ser rápido.”
  • Más tarde, en un mensaje a través de la red social X, Mucarsel-Powell reiteró su apoyo a la oposición venezolana y a su líder, Edmundo González Urrutia. “Los venezolanos nos han demostrado su fuerza y ​​perseverancia, y cuando de libertad y JUSTICIA se trata, NO se darán por vencidos. Maduro es un dictador que se niega a aceptar la voluntad del pueblo: el presidente electo de Venezuela es Edmundo González. La libertad y la transición pacífica a la democracia DEBEN prevalecer”, escribió.
  • In her statement, Mucarsel-Powell and the representatives of the Venezuelan community emphasized the urgency of the diplomatic effort coordinated to achieve change in Venezuela. “It’s time to fight for freedom and democracy across the hemisphere,” they said. “The diplomatic effort from all parts can achieve change in Venezuela to achieve the necessary peace, but it must be quick.”
  • Later, through a message on the social media X, Mucarsel-Powell reiterated her support for the Venezuelan opposition and its leader, Edmundo González Urrutia. “Venezuelans have shown us their strength and perseverance, and when freedom and JUSTICE are involved, you CAN’T give up. Maure is a dictator who refuses to accept the will of the people: the President-Elect of Venezuela is Edmundo González. Freedom and peaceful transition to democracy SHOULD prevail,” she wrote.

Univision 23:

  • La ex congresista Debbie Mucarsel-Powell estuvo ofreciendo una rueda de prensa donde también rechazó todas estas acciones violentas que vienen registrándose en Venezuela y también la postura que ha asumido el régimen venezolano.
  • Escuchamos lo que pidió porque más dijo que la liberación del pueblo de Venezuela también pudiera repercutir en la liberación de Cuba y Nicaragua.
  • The former Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell offered a press roundtable where she also rejected all these violent actions in Venezuela and also the Venezuelan regime’s posture.
  • Let’s hear what she called for because she also said that the liberation of the Venezuelan people could result in the liberation of Cuba and Nicaragua.

Bay News 9: Florida lawmakers react to Venezuelan election protests

  • “The opposition, the millions of Venezuelans that have come together to organize to come to the moment where, on Sunday, July 28, they spoke. They spoke in a unified manner. They were done with the narco regime of Maduro. They were done with the dictatorship,” former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell said.