Press Releases

100 Days Out from Election Day, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is Fighting for a Brighter Future for Floridians


July 26, 2024


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100 Days Out from Election Day, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is Fighting for a Brighter Future for Floridians

The Florida Senate Race Could Decide Not Only Not Only Who’s In The Majority, But Also Who’s Majority Leader

If Rick Scott Wins, He Wouldn’t Hesitate To Put Social Security And Medicare On The Chopping BlockRaise Taxes On Middle-Class Families, And Push Through A National Abortion Ban

Miami, FL – This Sunday, July 28, will mark 100 days until the general election. With 100 days until the November election, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell continues to fight for opportunities for working families. Alongside millions of Floridians, including 67% of whom support protecting access to abortion, she will hold Rick Scott accountable for stealing Floridians’ freedoms, hard-earned benefits, opportunities, and security.

Visit ScottForLeader.Com To Read About Rick Scott’s Agenda To Steal Floridians’ Freedoms, Opportunities, And Security

“Freedom, liberty, and opportunity are on the ballot this November – starting with Florida’s Senate race,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “If Rick Scott gets a second term, he won’t hesitate to push his toxic and out-of-touch agenda to rob seniors’ Social Security and Medicare benefits, raise taxes on middle-class families, and force a national abortion ban onto the American people. The stakes of this race have never been higher, but together, we will defend our fundamental freedoms and fight for a brighter future in Florida.”

Another term of Rick Scott in the Senate would be disastrous for Floridians:

Rick Scott will force a national abortion ban, criminalizing health care providers.

Rick Scott will put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block, leaving millions of families uninsured and ripping away seniors’ hard-earned benefits.

  • McConnell on Rick Scott’s plan to eliminate critical programs: “Unfortunately, that was the Scott plan, that’s not a Republican plan.” [The Hill, 2/9/23]
  • “‘I think it will be a challenge for him to deal with this in his own reelection in Florida,’ McConnell quipped, adding that it is ‘a state with more elderly people than any other state in America.’” [The Hill, 2/9/23]
  • Rick Scott tries to run from his record, but Americans know where he really stands. “That’s not true, Senator.” [CNN, 2/9/23]
  • While Rick Scott lies to seniors on his record, his extreme agenda to eliminate critical programs has raised doubts with 75% of voters. [Florida Politics, 8/16/23]

Rick Scott will raise taxes on middle class families.

  • “You recently put out an 11 point plan to rescue America. […] So that would raise taxes on half of Americans and potentially sunset programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Why would you propose something like that in an election year?” [Fox News, 3/27/22]

Rick Scott will make our communities less safe.

  • Rick Scott launched a comprehensive policy plan that could have put an end to federal programs supporting law enforcement, forcing devastating cuts in federal aid to local police. [Miami Herald, 2/22/22]
  • Rick Scott voted against the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act – the most significant federal gun safety measure in three decades supported by 15 Republican Senators – saying he “will not support soft-on-crime policies like this.” [News4Jax, 6/24/22]
  • Rick Scott cosponsored a joint resolution to overturn regulations cracking down on homemade ghost guns – which would have allowed anyone to buy unserialized gun kits without a background check. [S.J.Res.45, 5/22/22]
  • Rick Scott pushed for legislation that would’ve made it possible for extremely dangerous weapons like machine guns to be sold without a completed federal background check. [S.632, 3/2/23]

Rick Scott will put political games before our national security interests, furthering Putin and China’s agendas.

  • “U.S. Sen. Rick Scott criticized his own caucus’s leadership for the situation, and may be laying groundwork for a leadership campaign.” [Florida Politics, 2/6/24]
  • Rick Scott is a member of the Senate “Breakfast Club,” a group of hard-right Republican senators who strive only to obstruct the Senate process. [The New York Times, 2/9/24]
  • “Referring to the uprising against McConnell, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), said ‘we now have a Freedom Caucus in the Senate who is unafraid of calling for the removal of their leader.’” [Politico, 2/23/24]