Press Releases

REMINDER: Rick Scott Is Lying About His IVF Record


July 21, 2024


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REMINDER: Rick Scott Is Lying About His IVF Record

Last Month, Rick Scott Tried And Failed To Lie To Voters About His Support For IVF Less Than Twenty-Four Hours After Voting Against Protecting Access To It

Rick Scott Received An A+ Rating From Extreme Anti-Choice Group That Wants To Ban IVF And Believes The Birth Control Pill Should Be Illegal

Rick Scott Touts Endorsements From Extreme Republicans Who Cosponsored The Life At Conception Act, A Complete National Abortion Ban With No Protections For IVF, And Has Donated Over $100,000 To Anti-IVF Extremists, Including Matt Rosendale

Miami, FL – Last month, Rick Scott spent millions of dollars to lie to Florida voters about his anti-IVF record and cover up his recent vote against bipartisan legislation to protect access to IVF treatment. Apparently, he’s trying again.

“How very fitting that the thief who defrauded Medicare by $1.7 billion, refused to expand Medicaid, and has repeatedly called to eliminate the Affordable Care Act is suddenly pretending to care about Floridians’ access to IVF and affordable health care,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “If Rick Scott truly wanted to protect access to IVF, he would have backed the Right to IVF bill last month when he had the chance. But Floridians won’t forget that Rick Scott has always stood with extremists who want to ban IVF, and he has repeatedly embraced Florida’s extreme abortion ban.”

Rick Scott has been repeatedly called out for his false ad trying to cover up votes against contraception and IVF:

  • “Just the day before he released one of his ads espousing unconditional support for IVF, he cast a vote on June 13 on the “Right To IVF Act” (S. 4445), which would guarantee federal protections for the procedure. He voted against it.” [WESH, 6/25/24]
  • “The man must think we were born yesterday – which is the day that he voted against IVF.” [MSNBC, 6/14/24]
  • “Yes, Sen. Rick Scott voted against IVF legislation and is running ads saying he supports IVF.”  [WTSP, 6/24/24]
  • “What’s more, Scott must’ve realized that he was opening himself up to criticism by saying the public can “always” count on him to protect IVF literally the day after he voted against legislation to protect IVF.” [MSNBC, 6/17/24]
  • “Of course, the larger significance to this goes beyond one senator’s apparent hypocrisy and the gap between what the GOP says and what the GOP does on this issue: Scott’s ad also suggests that Republicans feel vulnerable when it comes to IVF as a campaign issue.” [MSNBC, 6/17/24]
  • “U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, who voted against last week’s bill to protect IVF and then released a campaign ad in support of the procedure, explaining that his youngest daughter is currently using it.” [Orlando Sentinel, 6/20/24]
  • “The ad was first posted to Scott’s X (formerly Twitter) account on Friday morning, and was quickly hit with a fact-check that Scott voted to kill the Right to IVF Act the day before.” [The New Republic, 6/14/24]
  • “’You can count on this grandpa to always protect IVF,’ Scott (R-FL) wrote above a cheerful campaign video. ‘You literally voted against my bill to protect IVF yesterday,’ Duckworth immediately hit back.” [Raw Story, 6/14/24]