Press Releases

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Statement on the Supreme Court’s Decision Preserving Emergency Medical Care For Pregnant Women


June 27, 2024


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Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Statement on the Supreme Court’s Decision Preserving Emergency Medical Care For Pregnant Women

Rick Scott Pledged To Back “Any Anti-Abortion Bill” On The Day Florida’s Abortion Ban Went Into Effect

Rick Scott Touted Endorsements From Extreme Republicans Who Cosponsored The Life At Conception Act, A National Abortion Ban With No Exceptions For IVF

Rick Scott: “I firmly believe that life begins at conception”

Miami, FL – Debbie Mucarsel-Powell released the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to the right for pregnant women to access emergency medical care.

“Everyone deserves access to emergency medical care — end of story. It is a fundamental right that should have never been put in jeopardy in the first place,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “This Supreme Court case is a direct result of extremist politicians like Rick Scott, who time and time again put our fundamental freedoms on the line for their own personal gain – just think of what six more years of Rick Scott would mean for Floridians. Our freedoms are on the line, and it is more critical than ever that we show up in November to defend them.”