Press Releases

Debbie For Florida Launches “Rick Scott For Leader” Website


May 29, 2024


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Debbie For Florida Launches “Rick Scott For Leader” Website

New Website Reminds Voters That Rick Scott Wouldn’t Hesitate To Slash Social Security And MedicareRaise Taxes On Middle-Class FamiliesAnd Force A National Abortion Ban As Majority Leader

The Florida Senate Race Could Now Decide Senate Majority & Senate Leader

Miami, FL – Today, the Debbie for Florida campaign is launching the “Rick Scott For Leader” website, highlighting Rick Scott’s toxic record and the extremist policies he would push as majority leader to pass a national abortion ban, slash Social Security, Medicare, rip away affordable health care, and raise taxes on middle class families in Florida and across the country – all while lining his own pockets.


“Hardworking families in Florida and across the nation know just how catastrophic Rick Scott would be as Senate GOP leader,” said Campaign Manager Ben Waldon. “For years, radical Rick has pushed extreme abortion bans, put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block, and advocated to raise taxes on the middle-class. We cannot afford to let this extremism win. It’s never been more important for Debbie Mucarsel-Powell to win this race: for working Floridians and for Americans across the country.”