Press Releases

NEW DIGITAL AD: Rick Scott And His Near-Total Abortion Ban Are On The Ballot


April 8, 2024


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NEW DIGITAL AD: Rick Scott And His Near-Total Abortion Ban Are On The Ballot

Watch The Digital Ad, Banned, Here

Rick Scott on Florida’s Near-Total Abortion Ban With Almost No Exceptions: “If I was still governor, I would sign this bill”

Rick Scott Co-Sponsored A National Abortion Ban And Supported Florida’s 6-Week Abortion Ban About To Take Effect

Rick Scott: “I firmly believe that life begins at conception”

Miami, FL –  Today, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, candidate for U.S. Senate, launched Banned, a new digital ad highlighting Rick Scott’s unequivocal supportfor a near-total abortion ban with almost no exceptions for rape and incest.

“This November, Rick Scott will have to answer for his proud support of a near-total ban on abortion with almost no exceptions that will put countless womens’ lives at risk – including those of myself and my daughters,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “Floridians are ready to turn out this November to protect our fundamental rights and to stop Rick Scott from passing a national abortion ban. My mother brought me to this country for safety, security, and freedom. I refuse to allow Rick Scott to push authoritarian laws to control women’s bodies that will roll our state and our nation backwards.”

Read a transcript of the ad below.

In the next 30 days, it will be illegal to get an abortion in Florida after 6 weeks of pregnancy.

It bans abortion at just 6 weeks into pregnancy. That is before most women even know that they are pregnant.

This a nearly total ban on abortion without hardly any exceptions to rape and incest.

A ban that, actually, Rick Scott said that he would have proudly supported and signed into law if he was governor.

Scott also doesn’t seem to think women should be allowed to make decisions for themselves.

He supported Governor DeSantis and his move to sign a 6-week abortion ban, which he said he would’ve done if he was still governor.

Now as a senator, he thinks it’s time to talk about a federal abortion ban.

“I firmly believe that life begins at conception. I am unapologetically pro-life.”
