Press Releases

Self-Serving Scott Votes to Shut Down the Government – AGAIN


March 8, 2024


[email protected]

Self-Serving Scott Votes to Shut Down the Government – AGAIN

Miami, FL – Today, Rick Scott voted against a bipartisan agreement to keep the government open – the third time Rick Scott has voted to shut down the government.

“Once again, self-serving Rick Scott has prioritized his own extreme agenda over doing his job and serving Floridians,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “He doesn’t care about the millions of working families that are affected by his refusal to compromise. Time and time again, Rick Scott continues to show he’s only in it for power and greed, not to help the millions of Floridians who are struggling every day to make ends meet. Floridians deserve a leader who will prioritize them – and they know Rick Scott is failing.”
