Press Releases

Rick Scott’s Radical Record On Reproductive Rights Speaks For Itself


March 6, 2024


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Rick Scott’s Radical Record On Reproductive Rights Speaks For Itself

ICYMI: New Polling From EMILYs List Shows Florida Senate Race Statistically Tied, Scott Uniquely Vulnerable On Abortion and GOP Efforts To Ban IVF

Yesterday, Rick Scott Touted Endorsements From Extreme Republicans Who Cosponsored The Life At Conception Act

Rick Scott Co-Sponsored A National Abortion Ban And Supported Florida’s 6-Week Abortion Ban With Hardly Any Exceptions

Rick Scott: “I firmly believe that life begins at conception”

Miami, FL – Just one week after Rick Scott and his extremist allies blocked Senator Duckworth’s bill to protect IVF, he is still waging a war on women’s reproductive freedoms, despite peddling lies to voters.

“If Rick Scott truly wanted to take action to protect IVF, he would have stepped up and supported Senator Duckworth’s bill to protect Americans’ access to IVF when he first had the chance,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “Instead, he’s taking advantage of the millions of women and families across Florida who are scared that IVF will be banned here next, and using them to score political points. But let’s not forget that Rick Scott has been leading the charge against women’s fundamental freedoms for years. He pushed for a national abortion ban, backed Florida’s dangerous six week ban, stated that life begins at conception, and firmly supported the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade – which is why we’re in this position in the first place. Floridians aren’t buying Rick Scott’s lies, and we’re ready to hold him accountable for his dangerous record in November.”
