Press Releases

Rick Scott Backed By Life At Conception Extremists


March 5, 2024


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Rick Scott Backed By Life At Conception Extremists

Rick Scott Co-Sponsored A National Abortion Ban And Supported Florida’s 6-Week Abortion Ban With Hardly Any Exceptions

Rick Scott: “I firmly believe that life begins at conception”

Rick Scott: “Abortion kills human children.”

New Polling Shows Floridians Oppose Rick Scott’s Toxic Record On Abortion And Extreme Republicans Who Put IVF Access At Risk

Miami, FL – Today, Rick Scott touted the endorsements of extreme Republicans who cosponsored the Life At Conception Act both before and after the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

“Extreme Republicans will stop at nothing to ban abortion nationwide and take away access to IVF – and clearly they know that Rick Scott is their champion,” said Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. “Just like Rick self-serving Scott, his radical Republican endorsers would pass some of the most extreme legislation to ever come through Congress if given the chance – attacking women’s reproductive freedom for decades to come. Rick Scott and his extremist allies think they are entitled to decide if women can access essential health care, but Floridians are fired up and ready to prove them wrong this November.”
